Update on Crane Services, Coronavirus-Free Designated Lobby + Welding Services

YES… We’re OPEN and devoted to offering YOU welding and cranes services! You can seek a metal or crane service bids via phone, email and in person.
Pro Weld’s team of metal and crane experts welcome you to come to our 14,000 square foot welding shop. We have designated coronavirus-free lobby areas, allowing for more than 6 feet of space to keep you safe from COVID-19 fears.
“We’re esteemed for our welding excellence,” smiled Penny Oberlander, co-founder and crane operator. “What you will find is our crane services compliment our fabrication and jobsite services.”
We offer YOU this safe place to problem-solve your metal welding projects amid it these unique times. Be sure to drop into our marked-off Covid-19-free area. We are ready to host you in our welding lobby to discuss your metal and welding needs.

In the midst of this coronavirus-time Pro Weld bring to you the best of welding, rigging, crane services construction services. Our welding shop helps complete your metal braking, steel shearing, while providing:
- 45 Ton Crane Service
- 14 Ton Boom Truck
- Twin 5-Ton Overhead Cranes (inside Pro Weld, Inc.’s welding shop)
Our company is a highly-reputable metal welding shop with everything from cnc plasma water cutting table… to onsite welding services. Explore our site for many other metal welding and steel manufacturing services offered. We are always here for you.
“Rigging and crane service or welding it doesn’t matter: we’re here for you,” states Jim Oberlander, 100 TON crane operator and co-founder. “We lift your loads be it trusses, or HVACs. We make your crane and welding jobs easy.“
If you seek to hire a crane rigging service, our team is here to answer your inquiries. We offer our welding shop to all sizes of metal and steel job projects. In the interim, we pick up your loads.
Crane Rigging Services
Our welding crew brings to you full-service crane solutions. Our certified crane and rigging service team is beyond capable. They are legit. In a day’s work, our whiz welding team pivots from welding to rigging in no time.
You will see Pro Weld’s crew supplying metal brackets, steel braces, and buckets for residential construction jobs. Not only does our welding team fabricated metal brackets for each truss, but they provide the means to hoist trusses, beams and roof materials.
Mobile welding services are easy for us. We make your heavy loads easily lifted by offering our boom truck and cranes services at the same time. You may spot our trucks and welding crews on industrial and residential construction sites.
Click here: Crane and Rigging Questionnaire
Steel & Metal Welding Services

We deliver on your metal and welding jobs. If you seek structural steel vendors call us. We plan out every substation structural steel welding job every specification. Structural steel jobs receive equal attention as crane jobs.
Remember we have CNC plasma cutting services. In the above, see a custom cnc cut metal electrical pole covers cut by Pro Weld’s CNC plasma water table. We can take your hand sketched ideas and turn them into .
Welding company owners’ coronavirus post: https://pro-weld.jantzer.dev/news/covid-19-statement-by-pro-weld-owners/
➤ Crane Rental Services
➤ Metal Welding Project: Steel Substation Structure RFQ|RFI
➤ Welding Substation:
➤ CNC Plasma Cutting Table
➤ Metal Welding Management: Pro Weld’s Welding Ownership