produced by welding team this week.
Pro Weld’s crew performed a full welding week in the face of the coronavirus news outbreak. The coronavirus risks are real. But equally real are precautions the welding crew is taking.
“We’re proud of our welding crew. News of the coronavirus has not paralyzed our team nor company’s vitality. Productivity is a welcome escape from the news-cycle chaos.”
Stated Jim Oberlander, co-owner of his family-owned welding company.
The warm Oregon weather is a great contrast to the fear-filled news this week. With the crystal-clear blue skies there is a clarity to the National situation. In the year of 2020 – a year of vision – it’s now that a we-can-make-it and situational-context is needed. Pro Weld’s team knows the uncharted coronavirus to be a manageable threat.
“You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.”
Eleanor Roosevelt

all railings and handrails for today’s install.
Welding + Install Jobsite: 1233 South Peach Medford, OR 97501
The focus on productivity places everything in perspective. While restaurants are closed nationwide, this petite welding company sees no impact. In working instead of worrying, their welding team has bypassed crippling fears. The news-spreading virus-like anxiety has not been the case for this welding team.
“We’ve not taken anything for granted. Our capable and bright welding team is healthy and happy.Objective optimism is key in this uncertain time.”
Commented Penny Oberlander co-owner of Pro Weld.

parts scheduled to be shipped to a client outside the Medford, Oregon area.
As the coronavirus slows the global economy – our welding crew is still producing. Prospective and repeat clients asked all week long for RFQs on their welding projects. Pro Weld’s welding includes: metal bridges, steel substations and miscellaneous metal projects.
“Bad times have a scientific value. These are occasions a good learner would not miss.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
With the coronavirus in mind, the welding team is being extra cautious. At every turn they keep their physical space – and wash their hands often. Our team protects our welding clients, vendors and themselves in this tumultuous time.
We’re thankful for a healthy welding crew. Best-practices with workplace hygiene is key.“
Says Penny Oberlander co-owner of Pro Weld.

13-plex after weeks of welding.
This week our welding company finds themselves working 7am-5pm welding non-stop. While companies with 12+ employees are closed in an effort to curb the coronavirus spread – Pro Weld’s team finds themselves humming along. The welding industry by nature keeps them away from public interfacing, therefore there is not a lot of physical contact.
“We’re vigilantly avoiding cross-contamination with our welding team. Our welding spaces are 12 feet apart. Our welding crew is nearly self-quarantined” stated Jim Oberlander co-owner of Pro Weld.

handrails and staircases for a 13-plex in Medford, Oregon.
As welders have workspace distance, they sense job security. Workstation supplies arewith all they need to performed their welding. All welders provide their own helmets and gloves. The gear shields from welding sparks and elements and now the coronavirus too.
“Putting your hands to work – especially in welding – puts the news chaos into perspective. When our guys apply their minds to problem-solving there is a leveling effect.”
Commended Jim Oberlander, co-owner of Pro Weld.

Pro Weld’s welding team.
1233 South Peach Medford, Oregon
13-plex for metal staircase and handrails.
Photo: Jesse Sattler
Welding work is a diversion from the onslaught of viral coverage. Ironically the welding crew seems to avoid the infectious spreading emotional and mental fear. The real threat of outbreak is kept in mind, but with production goals, the day easily moves with each welding project.
The coronavirus closed down the restaurant, and retail industries. Welding shops with more than 25 employees have been close too. Luckily, this welding shop is excluded.

The Oregon’s governor closed all schools until April 28th. The welding crew has two high school students on their team. Since Pro Weld’s doors are open – this is an ideal opportunity for high school students.
This is an unparalleled work-training opportunity. Pro Weld’s welding management team plans to keep the company’s doors open. Their welding crew is content with the workload as it gives them financial strength.
Enjoyed this welding related post? Read more about our favorite welding projects below:
- Metal Welding Project: Steel Substation Structure
- Metal Welding Project: Iron Horse BBQ Grill Welding and Fabrication
- Metal Welding Project: Crane Rental Services & Crane Rigging Rental
- Metal Welding Project: 2020 Welding Market
- Metal Welding Project: CNC Plasma Cutting Table and Metal Services
Discover more about the welding team at Pro Weld, Inc. and the welding management company set-asides:
- Welding Crew: Employee Welding Captures KOBI News
- Welding Crew: College Dreams Partnership with Pro Weld, Inc.
- Welding Crew: Welding in all Weather Conditions
- Welding Crew: Employment Welding Job Openings
- Welding Crew: Pro Weld, Inc. Management
To know more about Pro Weld’s ownership, check out the below:
- Certified Welding Shop: Pro Weld, Inc. Ownership
- Certified Welding Shop: Award-Winning Family Business
- Certified Welding Shop: Women Owned and Operated