To all our VETERANS: Pro Weld’s expert welding and crane rigging team sends YOU a heart-felt thank you. We send our virtual HUG for your selfless service to make us all SAFE.
Our crane rigging and welding services are made possible through national security. This national, state and county security has been bought by the lives of our veterans daily sacrifice.
Our deepest gratitude belongs to our VETERANS who make welding + crane services possible through national safety. We value you. We love you. We stand to honor your service.
Since the inception of the United States of America (even when it was simply colonies), metalwork has been essential to survival. One principle use of metal has been through the US Navy and US Army.
The importance of the impact veteran metalworker have made in America can never be stated. Veteran welding experts have fabricated and maintained all repairs to military equipment both in the USA and abroad. Think of the metal tunnels, steel power structure systems and various steel and metal equipment which welding has been mandatory.
Call a welding expert at Pro Weld TODAY 541-826-1404.
See the welding company owners’ coronavirus post
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