We’re days from the end of January, and our welding shop’s seeing a promising 2020 full of metal fabrication and steel production. Australian and British clientele met this week in Pro Weld’s family-operated welding facility to discuss the like. Despite rainy cloud-filled days, the welding team is optimistic in the weather fluxuations.
See what it takes to be on the welding team here.

1316 Ave White City, Oregon
This week, Pro Weld’s crew is welding on an undisclosed custom metal structure. It’s so enormous that few welding shops could manage the height, let alone the demand for welding expertise. This towering steel structure is the base-framework for specialty equipment. The metal project is one of many parts shipped from out-of-state, some of which came in from Canada.
The specialty welding project and its concepts have been hush-hush. Client representatives came to Pro Weld off metal industry research and local referrals. Once the welding is complete, the steel structure will house industrial-size heavy equipment. It’s been essential for the client to have fluid communication with Pro Weld’s metal and welding team.
It’s been essential for the client to have direct communication with Pro Weld’s metal team.
Welding is our passion. We provide metal solutions – which is simply one of our expertises in the field of steel fabrication and welding production.

The specialty equipment arrived at the welding shop via international freight last week. Pro Weld’s welding company is near completion on this proprietary metal work. They were selected shortly after the first discussion about the welding job.
Pro Weld’s capacity can support the metal project design. The team works with the engineers to enhance the metal structure design to aid in lean manufacturing. A stream of emails has flowed from engineers, and owners since day one.
The metal design concepts, blueprints and equipment specs are key to success. The welding management team has been involved every step of the way. In this project, Pro Weld will not just offer its welding services – it will also provide a 45-ton crane rental service.
The flawless welding, and brainstorming services is paramount to why this welding project was awarded. Pro Weld is the only welding shop in Oregon to bid. This excites Pro Weld’s owners as it allows them to introduce new money to Oregon’s economy. They are pleased to hear they beat out-of-state competitors.

“Our welding services help drive client productivity. Metal solutions is a key creed in our welding crew and services. We’re strategic about which welding jobs we bid on as there’s no half-measures with our team. We try avoiding change-orders. Sadly, sticking to your original price is not an industry wide practice,” commented Jim Oberlander, co-owner.
Clients trust the certified welding provided at Pro Weld. They come for sustainable metal solutions.
The unnamed metal project must be right the first time. This is outside of the various welding jobs Pro Weld has, which includes another structural steel substation. Once the welding team fabricates the structure, the metal must be welded with longevity in mind.
Before cutting, fabricators must measure twice, cut once. The welding machines are set perfectly. Each machine is calibrated to the metals before the welding begins.

Pro Weld
This specific project demands the welding team focuses on seamless welds performed right the first time. With each measurement, there a double-checking taking place. The prints have to match so clients can set their equipment and operate without hiccups.
Quality control goes hand-in-hand with our welding productivity. The blueprint drawings have to match the steel frame. It’s a lot of daily verifying and double checking but that’s just how welding projects go.
“Besides the welding jobs, we’ve other projects on the board. We’re even utilizing our General Contractors license on a build with a military veteran. Our welding team loves the diversity of projects. Every day is a weld-outside-the-box kind of day,” stated Penny Oberlander, co-founder and majority co-owner.

This welding team is not without its challenges, in fact: that is the place this welding shop thrives. Pro Weld’s management team is no only knowledgeable about best welding practices, they offer solutions to complex metal structural issues, and design flaws. In addition to their 25+ years of welding and company management, Pro Weld is a General Contractor and is selectively overseeing job sites.
If you want a welding job with Pro Weld, check out what it takes to be on our team here. If you need welding on your project, drop in to discuss metal solutions at 1316 Ave G White City, Oregon 97503. For more on our woman-owned company, see here.
Enjoyed this welding related post? Read more about our favorite welding projects below:
- Metal Welding Project: Steel Substation Structure
- Metal Welding Project: Iron Horse BBQ Grill Welding and Fabrication
- Metal Welding Project: Crane Rental Services & Crane Rigging Rental
- Metal Welding Project: 2020 Welding Market
- Metal Welding Project: CNC Plasma Cutting Table and Metal Services
Discover more about the welding team at Pro Weld, Inc. and the welding management company set-asides:
- Welding Crew: Employee Welding Captures KOBI News
- Welding Crew: College Dreams Partnership with Pro Weld, Inc.
- Welding Crew: Welding in all Weather Conditions
- Welding Crew: Employment Welding Job Openings
- Welding Crew: Pro Weld, Inc. Management
To know more about Pro Weld’s ownership, check out the below:
- Certified Welding Shop: Pro Weld, Inc. Ownership
- Certified Welding Shop: Award-Winning Family Business
- Certified Welding Shop: Women Owned and Operated